another one

Sometimes it seems like you need to give in and allow yourself to do something. I’m talking in terms of risk/uncertainty. To allow yourself to be goofy or funny or bold. We hold back because of judgement. Both our own internal judgement and the perceived judgement that can come from others. The issue with this, that I’ve been struggling with at least, is that it does not allow for joy. It does not allow for you to live the life you want to live. To be who you want to be. By not allowing yourself to be the person you desire to be, you hold yourself back and are not as full as you can be. This seems scary but it may be the best option. To take the risk and allow yourself to be yourself.

dealing with stuff

Just fucking breathe. When your feeling stressed and can’t find a solution, just fucking breathe. When you want to talk to that stranger but are too afraid, just fucking breathe. When you wonder if you’re doing okay in life, just fucking breathe. When you eat too many tacos, just fucking breathe. When it all just seems too much, just fucking breathe. When you don’t feel like existing, just fucking breathe. When you wonder how you’ll get through the day, just fucking breathe. Breathing won’t solve these issues but it is a reminder that everything will be okay. Just keep breathing.

thought on stuff pt. 2: spooky dangles

Coolness is a state of being. It is a confidence. A belief in oneself. It’s style. It’s uniqueness. It’s subjective. It’s temperature. We all wanna be cool, we want to be admired for who we are because that validates our existence. That not only do we exist but that our existence has an impact and a positive one at that. One that people try to emulate. I don’t know much about cool, but I say do what makes you the most confident. Whatever makes you feel like the people who you think are cool. Steal from them, steal from everyone. Steal walks and clothing and words and mannerisms. Create your own version of cool and in that uniqueness will emerge. Within that framework you will create new dimensions to your cool that maybe someone else will try to steal. It’s about being comfortable with who you are and what you like and showing that off to the world with pride.

thought on stuff

I exist as this world is existing. This whole thing is an energy field and we all exist as one energy. It is all occurring right now. Look around the room you are in. Everything is just there. It all exists and it is all existing at this moment. So are you. You are the same thing as every other thing that is existing in the room, the door, the shoes, the febreze. It’s all right here and now. It is all energy, literally. A whole bunch of vibrations all occurring at once in different combinations that can interact with one another constantly. And we can feel that. We cannot think it, it needs to be felt as one feels when making intuitive decision. And you are here and you have the ability to be aware of it but when you are aware of it, when you start thinking about it, it takes you out of that intuitive feeling. That feeling of connection with the things around you and the moment that is occurring. It is impossible to put into words because it is a place that is wordless. It is outside of thought because thought is so closely tied to words. It is a full body sensation. It is a reminder that we were in the big bang, just as every other thing in this room was in the big bang. That everything on this planet and in this universe were also contained in that big bang. It is literally all one thing as we all came from that one thing and it is how everything somehow knows what to do. The sun knows how to keep us warm and also enable trees and plants to grow that provide sustenance for us and all animals on earth and we provide back to those plants. It’s how birds know how to fly in a flock without thinking about it, it’s intuitive. Same with every other animal. They are not thinking about it, they are doing it. It is what we need to do, or should do.